Saturday, July 9, 2011

Page 80: Blondies

I was looking for the perfect treat to take to a beachside BBQ for the fourth of July holiday last week. The pre-BabyCakes me would have simply taken cookies or some other standby, tried and true recipe. But, in keeping with my mission, I picked a yet-untested recipe from the BabyCakes book (in this case one that was simple and did not require frosting... a girl only has so much time to spend in the kitchen...) and went for it - and these were yummy!

I've never made blondies before. Maybe because I am generally of the belief that chocolate should be used in as many desserts as possible. Why would anyone want a vanilla brownie? But these little bites were delicious and had many fans at the BBQ. It might not have hurt that their only competition was a bag of Chewy Chips Ahoy. Oh well, I'll take the credit regardless!

So, the typical players here - garbanzo-fava bean flour, brown rice flour, potato starch (it had been awhile since I had to break that stuff out, actually), arrowroot, etc. When I mixed it all up and tasted the batter I said to myself: "self, this really tastes like chocolate chip cookie batter...". As directed, I made them in mini-muffin tins (which I am beginning to love because they only bake for nine minutes and thanks to my 24-cup tin I'm done in two batches!).

They were delish - right out of the oven they were gooey little nuggets of sweet goodness. Indeed, the finished product was also similar to that of a cakey chocolate chip cookie.

I'm sorry - I am still very lacking in the photo documentation department. And yes, I have regressed to the iPhone. 

The recipe says that blondies are best served warm and you should actually leave them in the tins to preserve freshness. This was a problem for me on two levels: 1) I needed to reuse the tins for batch two (sorry, Erin - most non-commercial kitchens don't have that much bakeware!) and 2) I was going to a BBQ on the beach. Portability was key here.

So, as I tend to do with most baked goods, once cooled I popped them in the freezer to make them stackable in a portable container. Then they went into the cooler and off we went.

When I took them out to serve them after the grilling was finished, the chilled version was very reminiscent of balls of cookie dough! In a good way, though. Definitely a winner.

I apologize for my lack of photos. I didn't even get one of the BBQ. Although I do have one I took of my view from the BBQ, so I will leave you with that:

Hope you had a wonderful holiday!


  1. Could you mail some to me? I want to say, "Self, Anna is right. There is life outside of chocolate."

    Ahh, always love a picture of your view :)

  2. How about I just make some when you VISIT, Angie?! :)

  3. I LOVE blondies!! How could you NOT want a vanilla brownie?! YUM! You are really not giving me much to work with in the picture area. I know it's obnoxious, but I'm going to be saying it in each and every post until you give the public (i.e. me) what they want. PICTURES!! MORE PICTURES! I cannot wait until Angie gets out there with her magical camera and snaps away. Matter of fact, what's the exact date, I'm gonna start a "Countdown until I can see what Anna's house and life really looks like in Hawaii" blog. And each day I will just post one number for the countdown. And I will shut the blog down when I finally get some pictures. Anyways, with the meager scraps you give me to work with, I can only make the following comments:

    1. I really like that little green tea kettle you have at the back of your stove. It's super cute. How often do you drink tea from it?

    2. Love the silver knob on your kitchen drawer. I imagine the rest of your kitchen drawers have similar knobs. Note I said imagine. BECAUSE I HAVE NO PROOF!! WHERE IS KIM!!

    3. What is that tall silver apparatus next to your block of knives? Is that a salt shaker? It looks really nice, but again, I have no confirmation. KIM! I need kim!

    4. What other books do you have back there by your knives?

    5. SIGH. Love the beach and the water you get to see every. single. day. Today it rained so much in Chicags, it was ridic. That is the kind of water I got to see today. And the sand was the dirt that got on my feet since I was wearing flip flops while it was wearing (didn't pay attention to the weather report, also did not have umbrella with me). Disaster!

  4. Jess always leaves the best comments! Hmmm... Maybe I should make a blog just for while I'm there and post about Anna's life. Her kitchen. Her lovely furniture and decor. Her view. Her back patio or wherever it is she keeps her ready-to-grab-at-a-moments-notice herbs. Her beach. Her ocean. And I'll include pictures of whatever babycakes goodies she will make for us.

    BTW, I am NOT the magical camera. That's Amy. But I will do my best.
